5 Reasons Why Every University Should Have an AI-powered Virtual Assistant
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Universities receive thousands of queries and requests per year. They are typically either external questions received from persons considering applying to the university or internal questions and requests from students and staff struggling with a wide range of IT-related issues. Normally all of them are handled strictly during office hours, which means that some of the cases will have to wait until the next day. However, students also work outside the office hours and want help just when they need it.
Work at the universities tends to pile up for spring when new applications are processed and for fall when new students start. Often there are simple answers and solutions to many questions, but due to volume, the service is congested. AI significantly reduces the burden of such issues by freeing up staff to deal only with more challenging cases.
Students like to use digital technologies as learning tools. Moreover, they appreciate easy and quick way to solve their problems. As the "Google generation" they are used to getting the information they want right away, with just a few clicks. That is why universities are interested in taking advantage of AI in order to improve their service. Universities are increasingly adopting AI-based chatbots aka virtual assistants to enhance their interactions with both new and existing students. Conversational AI enables dialogue in natural language. The conversation is like with a human, but much faster.
Service around the clock
Extended service hours are essential as more and more people study remotely and require support outside regular office hours. Don’t fail in connecting with students instantly – Gen Z won’t wait up
Expanded scope
In addition to IT support, the virtual assistant can be put to work in other units as well, such as the Student Affairs Office, Admission Services, and library. Over time, it will learn more and free up staff to handle larger projects.
Simple communication
Instead of relying on multiple platforms, focus on a single channel. Communicate in a way that makes student participation easy. The AI-based virtual assistants give students access to important information at their fingertips.
Less hassle
Conversational AI has a large impact on student outcomes by encouraging students to proactively address small issues before they become bigger problems. Universities can increase the completion rate of tasks such as filling in applications for admission and applying for financial support by changing the way they are presented.
Easy implementation
You may be worried about difficult implementation, but not all virtual assistants require programming skills or in-depth knowledge of IT. For example, FrontAI’s EduBot is easy to use and quick to deploy. A complete, pre-taught AI-model with a broad hierarchy of topics covers the most common needs for student and IT services, making it extremely cost effective.
Conversational AI as a communication strategy
AI-powered virtual assistants add a whole new communication layer, providing immediate, on-demand support to everyday questions. By creating your communication strategy according to the needs of the students, you can remove many obstacles that prevent them from succeeding. This can help universities secure a higher number of course registrations and increase admissions. Enhanced education system means happier students and better reputation for your university.