Valio’s Muru artificial intelligence chatbot is a new channel for customer understanding

The recipe service from is one of the most popular in Finland. The recipe service reaches 1.5 million unique visitors every month and offers a catalogue of more than 5,000 recipes.

With a huge amount of content that consumers explore with different requirements and on different devices, the relevant information needs to be quick and easy to access. Valio’s team has provided a chat service with consumers through the online service but delays in responses could be possible during evenings and weekends. During discussions, a bot emerged as a natural solution to better serve consumers.

Valio’s customer experience team consists of seven hard-working professionals responsible for web service development, consumer dialogue, customer experience measurement and web analytics. The chatbot Muru, which was launched in the spring of 2021, is also part of the responsibilities of the customer experience team. Behind Muru there is a working group with members also from different marketing teams.

Read this exciting case study to learn why working with a bot can, in some way, be compared to playing jazz. And how Muru is something to inspire holistic development and a source of data to be exported to other channels and business development.

Read the full case story here

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