
You can become an AI Trainer

Let me guess – you’re either on the brink of becoming an AI Trainer yourself, gathering your team of customer service agents, assembling a squad of Human Resources experts or summoning any other internal services operators – to shape them into agents of automation for your communication service. Well, look no further – Front AI is here to give you a glimpse into the coming future for you – insight into what it’s like to be an AI Trainer.

To grasp the term AI Trainer, we must first clarify our goal. Here at Front AI, we supply intelligent virtual assistants that automate a business’s one-to-one interaction with the user to change the consumer, HR, IT, marketing or facility management services for the better.

How? Through an advanced conversational algorithm that resides within a platform – a platform for AI Trainers to use for building, personalizing, and maintaining a virtual assistant. The result? Suddenly, you have a new virtual colleague – a colleague that can empty your queues and answer tedious and repetitive questions. Credit to the technology is, of course, in its rightful place, but let’s not forget our precious AI Trainers. I mean, who do you think teaches the virtual assistant the tricks of the trade?

The AI Trainer’s job is to make sure that the virtual assistant understands the questions being asked – this is done by training it. After a question has been understood, it’s high time for a fitting response to that question, handled by having pre-written content. This is all carried out in the virtual agent platform – a user-friendly, no-code environment for the AI Trainer to work in. At first, it is time to get to know your virtual assistant and get comfortable with the platform. The AI Trainer will then eventually grow into it and make it their home turf, finally mastering it and becoming an expert on your virtual assistant solution. It is a learning process – with onboarding, certifications, support meetings, and on-demand workshops. But most essentially, you learn by doing.

Who is fit to do this then? Currently, you probably have a team of experienced customer service agents in your midst, possibly a group of colleagues that are truly initiated with HR, perhaps a troupe of internal services veterans or it is you, with plenty of expertise in simply handling tricky and simple questions. Who better to teach the virtual agent to serve your users, if not you or that team? Of course, some qualities are considered advantageous for the AI Trainer, but they are by no means mandatory. Let’s get an idea of what we mean by this.

Since we are technically working with language within a software application, having both awareness of lingo and being comfortable with a keyboard would benefit you but as said – it’s not necessary. These things can be learned. The qualities we instead want to highlight would be creativity, problem-solving, and the touch of being service-minded. Which we suspect you and your team might possess.

This is no temporary work. The role of an AI Trainer will most likely be initialized in alignment with a new project consisting of a couple of sprints – 4 weeks a piece usually. After these, the virtual assistant will cover a part of your interaction with the customers, but not all of it – yet. The growth and expansion of your virtual assistant will continue, to further the reach of automation. The idea is not for the now-trained AI Trainers to go back to being regular customer agents, service desk operators or HR coordinators, but instead to continue widening and polishing the scope of your virtual colleague.

Being new at something is a phenomenon that will often feel slightly intimidating, but don’t despair and most importantly, don’t hesitate – we’ve all been there. The important thing to keep in mind is that attitude is our greatest resource – as long as we have humility, curiosity and dare to ask for help, progress is assured. Whenever you feel stuck on an issue or are hungry for more learning – we’ll be at your doorstep. Just remember, Front AI will help teach you to teach the virtual assistant your tricks. You can become an AI Trainer.

You can become an AI Trainer.