
How S-Bank’s chatbot serves customers faster whilst maximizing employee potential

S-Bank is a Finnish bank that belongs to the S-Group retail and service sector cooperative. To bring faster and better quality service to its 3.1 million customers, S-Bank has upgraded the Aulis chatbot with the help of Front AI.
Aulis engages in more than 20,000 online discussions every month and over 90% of these conversations achieve a successful resolution. The use of boost.ai technology in S-Bank’s chatbot has not only freed personnel from routine tasks but has crucially decreased customer response time from days to a matter of seconds!

With Aulis handling most of the queries and delivering at speed, the customer service representatives are able to focus on more specific and unique customer requests. Pulling the levers of Aulis, S-Bank’s team have honed their attention on improving problem resolution through analysis and expansion of customer intentions. Their expertise is dedicated to achieving the highest quality service.

As well as providing a more capable product, S-Bank highly valued Front AI as a genuine partner, delivering ongoing assistance to the team through support sessions, development ideas, and sparring.

Read more about the success of S-Bank and Aulis in the full case story here

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