Posts by Juuso Lehtimäki
Webinaari: Kuinka ohjata 80% asiakaskontakteista optimaaliseen kanavaan
Kanavastrategia on noussut yhdeksi merkittävimmäksi asiakaspalvelun kehityskohteeksi viime vuosina. Vaikka organisaatiot ovat investoineet ja nähneet vaivaa uusien digitaalisten kanavien, generatiivisen tekoälyn ja itsepalveluratkaisujen kehittämiseen, pitävät perinteiset palvelukanavat kuten puhelin ja sähköposti edelleen vahvasti pintansa. Näin ollen itsepalvelu ja digitalisaation investointien hyödyt jäävät lunastamatta. Tehokkaan ja asiakkaita ohjaavan kanavastrategian avulla asiakkaat pystytään ohjaamaan oikeaan kanavaan oikea…
Read MoreWebbinarium: Modern kanalstrategi i kundservice kräver att du tänker helt nytt!
Morgondagens kundservice kräver nytt sätt att tänka. Till och med att börja tänka tvärtom. Hur ser kundresan ut? Vilka touchpoints finns? Ta först reda på vad kunden vill och presentera sedan bästa kanal för hantering av ärendet! Varför väljer kunderna de servicekanaler de gör? Kanske av gammal vana och att företag inte tänker utanför boxen?…
Read MoreWebinar: Business Impact of Implementing GenAI with Conversational AI
Webinar: Business Impact of Implementing GenAI with Conversational AI Wednesday 20th September at 9.00-9.50 CEST (10.00-10.50 EEST) Join us for a deep dive into the business impact of implementing GenAI with Conversational AI. This webinar will explore real-life case examples from clients across various industries who have successfully integrated GenAI into their Conversational AI solutions…
Read MoreWebinar: introducing reChanneld – Service Channel Management Solution
Webinar: introducing reChanneld – Service Channel Management Solution Thursday 31.8. at 9 CET The channel strategy for customer service is a hot topic at the moment. Despite huge investments in self-service, chat, AI bots and other solutions, the telephone is still the primary channel for customer service. Why do customers choose the service channels they…
Read MoreWebinaari: Esittelyssä reChanneld – Palvelukanavien hallintaratkaisu
Keskiviikkona 14.6.2023 klo 10-10.45 Asiakaspalvelun kanavastrategia on kuuma puheenaihe tällä hetkellä. Vaikka itsepalveluun, chatiin sekä tekoälybotteihin ja muihin ratkaisuihin on investoitu valtavasti, puhelin on edelleen asiakaspalvelun ensisijainen kanava. Miksi asiakkaat valitsevat juuri ne palvelukanavat, jotka he valitsevat? Vaikka tarjolla olisi 24/7 skaalautuva palvelu? Mitä tapahtuu valinnan hetkellä? Nudge-teoria tarjoaa oivan kehyksen asiakkaiden käyttäytymisen ymmärtämiseen, ja…
Read MoreFront AI Launches reChanneld: A Revolutionary Service Channel Management Online Solution
Press Release May 30, 2023 Front AI Launches reChanneld: A Revolutionary Service Channel Management Online Solution Front AI, a leading specialist in customer service automation and Conversational AI, today announced the launch of reChanneld, a cutting-edge, online service channel management solution designed to revolutionize customer service experiences. This innovative product is designed to address…
Read MoreResearch and development project with Laurea University of Applied Sciences and Hyvinvoiva Terveydenhuolto
Background We were recently privileged to take part in a research and development project with Laurea University of Applied Sciences and Hyvinvoiva Terveydenhuolto (, roughly translated “Wellbeing to Healthcare”. The aim of this EU-funded project is to respond to the urgent need of nurses all over Finland to find ways to deal with their challenging…
Read MoreIs 2023 finally the year of the voice bots in the Nordics?
Voice is a natural way of communication for people. So, why haven’t we seen many voice bots, especially in the Nordics? I assume this is based on three challenges: technology, culture and volumes: 1. Technology has not been mature enough, 2) Nordic countries have strong self-service culture 3) We are a bit exotic and…
Read MoreFront AI strengthens its Swedish team and appoints Peter Gerward as Sales Manager
Front AI, the most experienced Enterprise Conversational AI services provider in the Nordics, has appointed Peter Gerward (MBA) as Regional Sales Manager and an addition to the sales team in Sweden. Peter started in his new role on 1 January 2023. “We have operated for over three years in Sweden. The market has matured significantly…
Read MoreComparing ChatGPT with traditional Enterprise Conversational AI
Conversational AI is all the rage now! ChatGPT from the research company OpenAI in California impresses with its ability to understand human language with unimaginable speed and with its ability to create advanced and insightful texts. In just a few weeks, millions of people have recognized its potential and ability to produce and edit content:…
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